Monday, April 5, 2010

Dirty Dancing

As many of you know, I've gotten into running.
My friend Erin introduced me to the Nike Plus system that you use with your ipod and it's been so motivating for me. (Having 3 kids in less than 4 years & seeing what that does to your body has also been very motivating for me.... so scuuuuury.)
Anyway, I seemed to have motivated several friends myself, as well as, my sisters to get their own Nike Plus and start running. Yay!

We have monthly "Challenges" that set a goal of a certain number of miles we want to run.
I also follow Erin & Laura's blog, "500 miles in 2010" and I'm in their challenge for the entire year. I have ran almost 400 miles since I got my Nike Plus in September, but I can't wait until I complete 500 total miles in 2010. Craziness!

Since I have 3-4 hundred kids here during the days and evenings, it's tough to get outside and run. Alone. (What a dream.)
Thus, the treadmill.

Luckily, I accidentally tivo a few super-lame & cheesy reality shows on a daily basis.
They usually keep me occupied while I run a few miles during nap time or at night.

Some days though, I HAVE to listen to music.
Especially if I'm feeling SLOTHISH with very little energy.

This is where my old friends come into play.
Yes, they are as well, super-lame & cheesy to some extent.

But they are a part of my childhood, one of the perks of growing up in the 80's, and have put out the perfect running song for a dork like me.
Dirty Dancing.
Yes, you read that correctly. DIRTY DANCING.

You're Welcome.


Carrie said...

Hmm, may have to check that song out. Is it your power song right now? Too funny that you wrote about the Nike+ tonight, I was going to too... but, then realized I need to get to bed soon! That is cool your sisters and friends have gotten on board with you, all the more motivation!

TDM Wendy said...

The 80s ruled. Nuff said.

Kimmie @ Hello Mess said...

My new favorite song. You're awesome.

chefamily said...

Good for you with all that running! 500 miles??That is amazing! I ♥ New Kids, too! My bestie and I went to the concert here in Seattle last November! It was so much fun!

LauraC said...

Hanging tough! Hanging tough! We're rough rough rough.

(Do you have it in your head now?)

Bethany @ Our 4 Sons Plus 1...Super Cute Girly Girl said...

Hi, I'm new to your blog and couldn't resist leaving a comment for this one! Thinking I'll have to dust off those sneaks this morning after hearing that gem- thanks!

Heather @ Glitter and Gloss said...

LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE New Kids on the Block!! (I'm a Jordan girl) They were my first concert when I was eight, and I saw them twice last year! Love them so much! Holla!!


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