Ready to cheer on the Wolverines!


Sophie wore this pink crown all weekend.
She said it was good luck.

My hubby, Steve, focused on the game.

We took a few breaks under the bleachers.
To run free & get the ants out of their pants.
A sister hug pose.

Maggie and I before heading out to dinner.

A cute shot of Gracie & Tyler smiling at Grandpa in Borders
After dinner, our crazy loud family took over a Borders
which happened to be right next to the restaurant.
6 adults & 5 crazy kids ready to party.
(Adie & Meade didn't go as they were at the hospital with little Meade.
He randomly spiked a high 104 fever.... he was fine though thank goodness)
We were loud & people may or may not have been staring at us.
The next day.... RAIN DELAY in the car.
Not fun with three super antsy & bored girls.
Finally, after several hours of waiting, it was game time at last!
Mia & Ella cheering on Maggie.
*Note the ring pop.
These beauts gave us several minutes of peace & quiet to
allow us to actually watch the game rather than the flying Cheerios,
chucked toys & tippy tappy toes on the bleachers.
Meade loved his!
Cheerios in hotel cups was my motto.
Grandpa helped out so much by teasing them all a time or two :)
Sophie & Gracie at the fence.
"I can see Maggie!"
The Viefhaus clan.
Gracie fell asleep in the last inning.
Game over.
Another Michigan win!
Congrats Maggie!
Waving bye to Maggie & her team bus!
So cute!

On the road again....
Sophie was not impressed,
but she still had her good luck crown on!
On our way home, I had to snap a picture of this enormous cross.
It's on an Illinois highway & we pass it every time we are headed back home.
It's pretty at night all lit up.
Not that you could tell by this picture with my lame camera.
We made it home safely & have already started planning for another road trip soon.
You can just call us the Haus of (TRAVELING) Girls + one husband for now.....
1 comment:
Your girls must be good travelers or you are very patient and or have a lot of tricks up your sleeve!
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