Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Springtime Photo Shoot (My first photo shoot ever!)

For my first ever photo shoot with my girls, with a real camera (thank you to my sister Haley for letting me borrow her Cannon) I took them to one of our favorite parks, in some super cute digs (thank you Julie for swapping with me) at my favorite time of day. 

After all my clients picked up their children at five, I had the girls grab a snack, get dressed and hop in the car.  Off we went on a spur of the moment Monday night adventure with the promise of earning many marbles for their marble jar if smiles were extra puuuurty  Bribery at it’s finest.

Right before the sun was setting I had the girls frolic around the grassy hill that we took our first family photos back in 2009.  They ran, jumped and played patty cake. 

They also saw a few deer mid shoot!  I bet you can guess which photo that was.

Overall, I think I did pretty well for my first shoot. 
If I knew anything about cameras, I think I would have done a lot better, but Julie gave me a few tips and I will forever have this day frozen in time. 

spring shoot hands 2

spring shoot hands distance

spring shoot huddle closespring shoot jump 2

spring shoot jumpspring shoot jumpersspring shoot miaspring shoot sophiespring shoot patty cake 3spring shoot patty cakespring shoot personalitiesspring shoot deerspring shoot runspring shoot running 2spring shoot running 3 favespring shoot snuggle

Which ones are frame worthy?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Write it Down.

You know those cute things your kids say that you swear you will remember forever?
Well, I’m sad to say, you will not.
Take it from this mom who thinks she remembers everything.
You will forget when your three year old says, “Will you microphone my salad mom?” meaning microwave.  Then you’ll ask your hubby five minutes later what she said so you can write it down because you already forgot. 


So about five years or so ago I bought these journals.
One for each girl to write to them throughout their little lives.  I write the fun things we do and the hilarious things they say, so that I will never ever forget. 

I will give each girl their special book when the graduate high school. 


Gracie will always know about the time she said this….

 img_2149 img_1692

and how she loves to do “piles” with mom and the time we went to see “Chip WRACKED” at the theater.


She will get to read my memoires of her.  What a gift.
I feel if I had my parent’s written words about who I was as a toddler it would be one of my most precious possessions.


I write about their latest wardrobe trends….


their favorite activities…..



and how special they make every day for their mommy.

Steve writes in it as well.  So it will be double the fun to read on graduation day.


I write about their accomplishments….





and their courage.


I write what they learn about Jesus….


and random Wednesday nights.


I write about their favorite things…


and favorite memories that they talk about all the time…



Just in case these memories fade a little, they will always have our written words to remind them.
Remind them of who they were at age 1, 2, 3 , 4 and so on, but also remind them of where they come from. 
No matter where life takes them they will always have a piece of their past to reflect on at any time giving them the roots they need to soar. 

Here are a just a few things I thought were funny that I wanted to share from each of their journals:


-September 2008, age 4: While flexing you say to me, “ I eat onions and tomatoes and am so healthy!”
-October 2008, age 4: After school one day you were eating lunch and you say, “Mommy I said a prayer at school today because my friend is sick.”
-October 2008, age 4: While watching ET you kept saying “This really freaks me out!”
-December 2008, age 4: “Gracie you look like your Daddy with all your bald!”
-November 2009, age 5: “Mom, I’m serious, very serious that you’re a good cook.  I gave you two seriouses!”
-August 2010, age 6: “Wow, Mom! These cookies are so good.  You’re going to be a good cook when you grown up because you are still young and have time to work on it.”
-July 2001, age 7: “No offense” often prefaces statements.
-Nov 2011, age 7: The day after Aunt Maggie’s wedding you were bawling.  Teary eyed you came up to me and said that it was such a special day and you wish we could do it all over again.


-October 2008, age 2: “How about tockolate milk today?”
-November 2008, age 2: “My belly doesn’t like butter toast, mom.”
-December 2008, age 2: “Cooby Doo!”
-July 2009, age 3: “My belly is still hungry.”
-Aug 2009, age 3: After I was crying when Mia got on the bus for her very first day of school you looked at me and said, “Mommy, don’t cry. I’m still here.”
-Sept 2009, age 3:  You always say “long kisses!!!” and kiss me for like 10 seconds straight!
Dec 2009, age 3: When  I was singing you looked up at me and said, “Mommy you have a good Boice.”
June 2010, age 4: “Mia your ice cream is Huge-E-Mongus!”
Aug 2010, age 4: Mr. Rogers show came on and you looked at me and said, “Mommy I’m afraid of this show because of the creeeeeepy clown.”
July 2011, age 5: “I feel guilty without my earring.”
-Sept 2011, age 5: “I would love to be a sponge.”
-Dec 2011, age 5: When drinking my coffee while driving the girls somewhere she says, “Mom you know you are not supposed to drink and drive.  It’s illegal.”



-April 2009, age 10 months: You do this fun game called Crazy Piggy where you snort and laugh!
-May 2009, age 11 months: Your first word is Uh Oh! You said it every time you drop your toys.
-July 2009, age 13 months: You fold your hands to pray.
-Feb 2010, age 20 months: You yell TOPICS after prayers are said to remind everyone that they have to say their own topic to discuss at the dinner table.
-Aug 2010, age 2: “You have to brush your nose, mom.” Instead of blow your nose.
-Nov 2010, age 2: “Grandpa’s house is cool.”
-July 2011, age 3: “I don’t want to go night night yet mom.  I promise I won’t be cabby.”
-Oct 2011, age 3: “Mom I can really chug!”
-Nov 2011, age 3: Taptoo = Tattoo
-Nov 2011, age 3: “Yuck mom, your breath smells like a raccoon!”  (PS I almost peed my pants after this one!)


So my assignment to you this week is to go to Target and buy some journals.
Start from the beginning.  Tell them about your pregnancy.  How you were feeling. 
What it was like when they entered your world. 

Then every month write down what your family has been up to and what adorable or crazy things they have done to make you smile or make you cry. 

Wrap it up on their graduation day and cry your eyes out. 
Are you in?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Random Monday Night Thoughts….

I miss posting here on Haus of Girls.
However, since I recently fell in love with Instagram I have realized that I don’t take the time to post here as much.
I keep up with all my faves on there and, in all honesty, this mama needs a laptop.  That would solve a lot of problems.  A lot of rich people problems…
But when I flip through my old blog posts, like this one, I remember why it is so important to make the time to post and how special it is to document the fun we are having.


Mommy spy cam report:  my mini me is such a reader these days.
I can always find her hiding out in her horseland bedroom reading away.
I love this.



See what I mean.  A relaxing post-school afternoon chill out session with mom…. to my right you have Mia’s nose in a book and to my left you have Sophia applying some of her new favorite make-up.  Haus of Girls to the max.


This crazy critter is getting a wee bit too old for my liking.
Seriously she looks six and a half.  
But  she’s a teeny tiny three year old and against all my will I am forced to look reality in the eye and plan her fourth birthday party soon…..

Beach party, to be exact. Because there are so many beaches her in the Midwest.



I’m thankful that this three year old still likes to wear undies on her head.
Who needs a hat when you have clean undies?

gussy love trampoline

Last week we entered  our very first photo contest over here at Haus of Girls.
It’s for the New Face of Purina.  Just a girl and her dog…. do you think this is a winner?

mia gussy and strini close up

What about this cute shot? Trampoline dogs are pretty fun I think.


gussy love

But this one was my fave.
The original plan was that both Gussy and Strini would be kissing Mia, however Strini was acting as if we were asking her to jump off the top of the arch when we attempted to hoist her up onto the bench and lick peanut butter off Mia’s cheek. 

Hence the one dog kiss. 
Wish us luck!



Random note to all moms.  Do not every purchase Moxie Girlz magic glitter snow.
It’s evil I tell ya.  I’m still cleaning this stuff up and it’s been weeks.

And to wrap the inspiring post up I will leave you with a smile and a glimpse at what a cool aunt looks like.
I found these old photos on my sister Maggie’s Facebook page and wanted to see if any Haus of Girls readers could guess what face and emotion they are demonstrating in each one.

But, then I decided I wanted to share now. 
They are so cute!
Mia was five I believe…


annoyed.                                                                    “cheese.”

m-coughingm-kiss face

coughing.                                                                   kiss face.


mad.                                                                                scared.


serious.                                                                         shocked.

m-smilesm-what stinks

smiles.                                                                        what stinks?


I mean….. the cutest thing ever. 
My girls are so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful and fun family.

Thanks for stopping in and have a great week!


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