Monday, August 27, 2012

Beach Vacay- Part 2

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As you saw in Beach Vacay-part 1 we made our first stop in Mississippi.  But after a few days, we packed up and left our dreamy hotel right on the beach and headed for Alabama.

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We arrived to our gated community beach house…..

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and almost passed out from the beauty that is this blue house.

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Gracie couldn’t stop grinning as she hopped from balcony to balcony.

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Here is the view from the back of our house for the week.

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After un-packing the ‘Burban, we loaded up the bikini clad girls and headed straight to the beach which
was right across the street from our blue house.

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The waves were a bit bigger than they were in Mississippi…

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so the girls immediately transformed into “surfers.”


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A few days in, my girls were in love.

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Since we were staying just a few miles from Florida, we headed there one day.

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And we visited the adorable little Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo another day.

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We were able to get so close to all the animals!

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A few days we found ourselves right smack in the middle of the storm clouds, however the sun always  seemed to shine down on us.  

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Pure joy!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Beach Vacay- Part One

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Last month we took our three blondies to the beach for the first time ever.

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Twelve long hours in the ‘Burban…

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and only one stop.
We are born to road trip.
(It doesn’t hurt to have a tiny porta-potty for the girls to hop on rather than stop every five minutes!)


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First sight of the ocean…..

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pure excitement!


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Our first stop was a little stretch of beach in Mississippi.

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Seeing their feet touch the sand for the first time was priceless.
Mia literally took off in a sprint for the ocean.


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First time in the ocean, ever.
July, 2012.

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Our hotel, in the background, was right on the ocean so we woke up to the most beautiful view every morning.

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Girls club plus Daddy.


Girls club.


Our first restaurant stop was at “Steve’s Marina.”
Steve loved it, obviously.


We collected shells which had creepy hermit crabs in them still. 


Mean mom made us all take the stairs four flights each and every time…..


and for our last night in Mississippi, we had to have a night swim.

Stay tuned for vacay part 2: Orange Beach, Alabama.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

42 miles in August


Hey all!
Long time no type.

Too many trips like this….

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and this left little time for blogging.
Or  running, for that matter. 

Three trips in three weekends people.
Approximately 35 hours of butt sitting in our suburban.
A suburban that is screaming, “no more driving!” due to the busted air conditioner

Good things it’s only 103 everyday, on average. 
Who needs air conditioning?

I do,  that’s who.
How did I ever survive growing up without it?

But guess what?
It’s now August and things have slowed down a (tad) bit.

So guess what time it is?
Time to run.
Get focused.
Get moving.

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Please join us for 42 miles in August.
Just post your runs on Facebook (on the Haus of Girls page) or on Instagram (my fave) and use the hashtag #42milesinaugust so we can connect, cheer each other on and motivate on another.

Are you in?


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