Her boyfriend Austin!
And soon after getting to mom and dad's house, they hijacked my camera.
And by family fun, I mean OUR FAMILY fun.
(It's quite a bit different from most families typical get together)
We do things such as....

*The story behind the hats....
My dad got me and my three sisters all fun, cool cat,
hats last year for Christmas.
A few weeks ago he made several comments about how he hasn't seen
any of us wearing the hats he gave us.
Me and my sisters plotted to all wear them to our
party when Maggie came in town.
Adie forgot.....
Maggie couldn't find hers......
Double Boo.
So, to complete our "four sister matching hat look,"
we needed to grab a couple similar ones down from my mom's
stash of antique hats that used to be her Grandpas.
Thus, the hoisting.
And the result:

A cute sister shot in our hats from dad.
(With a few stand-in hats)
While Maggie was grabbing at hats,
she pulled a special one down along with the others.
P. Diddy's hat.
My sister Haley then reenacted "the catch"
P. Diddy threw this white hat into the crowd at a radio station multiple artist concert years ago.
Haley boxed out, jumped up super high, and caught this beauty.
I watched it happen several rows in front of me.
I was so impressed and proud of my sister!
My mom put on Diddy's hat for a "Mom & Daughters" shot
Then my dad tried it on for a "Father & Daughters" shot
What a fun night with my CRAZY family!
I love them all so much!
Gracie had so much fun giggling with Grandpa while still recovering from her hospital stay.
To me, there is nothing more important in this world than FAMILY.
I am so thankful for the FUN & CRAZY one that I get to call MY OWN.