No matter how sophisticated or wealthy or broke or enlightened
you are, how you eat tells all.
If you suffer about your relationship with food — you eat
too much or too little, think about what you will eat
constantly or try not to think about it at all — you can be free.
Just look down at your plate. The answers are there.
Don't run. Look.
Because when we welcome what we most want to avoid,
we contact the part of ourselves that is fresh and alive.
We touch the life we truly want and evoke divinity itself.
The author of this book, Geneen Roth, was on Oprah a few weeks ago.
I tivo Oprah everyday.
Sometimes I watch. Sometimes I don't.
Several nights ago, at 12:20 am, I watched.
It was extremely interesting to hear her perspective about why we all eat.
Emotionally trying to fill something.
For me, whenever I'm stressed, overwhelmed or feeling like I can't catch up,
I can be found eating pretzels like it's my job.
But, everything, in my opinion, stems from our childhood and how we have evolved into the person we are today.
Each of us having our our own unique personality.
No two people are alike in how we react to life's triggers.
We are uniquely effected by the things happening around us.
I am excited to read this book to further examine ways I can achieve
my main goal in life: to live a long happy life with no regrets.
Because I do not want to spend my life worrying about food.
Feeling guilty.
I want to enjoy my life to the fullest.
Not worry day to day about how I should not eating certain foods.
But simply make more conscious choices towards living as healthy and happy as possible.
I will continue to live each day putting my family first, and living a healthy lifestyle.
I do not want to look in the mirror when I'm 80 and realize
that I wasted one single day in my 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's or 70's
thinking I was not good enough, skinny enough or ANYTHING enough.
Because I can guarantee, that my 80 year old self would tell my
30 year old self the following......
"Dear thirty year old Marta,
You are perfect just the way you are.
Keep taking care of yourself.
You look like a MODEL compared to how you look now at 80.
All the little things that you may stress out about now mean NOTHING.
I can tell you, that you will never regret not having passed one more test,
not winning one more game, or closing one more deal. You will not regret making more
money to have that new pair of shoes, a new outfit or a new car.
You will only regret........
More time not spent with your parents and the chance to learn something new.
More talks with your husband because he has a way of making you feel special.
And not having more hugs from your three little girls who look up to you more than you'll ever know.
You can never get this time back so live life to the fullest each and everyday!"
I want to continue to feel blessed to have this body that God
gave me and continue to keep it healthy for a long happy life.
Appreciating myself for being me.
And food should not be what I turn to when I'm bored or feel stressed.
But something that fuels my life toward peace, happiness and love.
Love for my family.
My husband.
My three daughters.
My parents and my three sisters.
Have any of you read this book?
If you have, I'd love to hear your thoughts about it.