Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Don’t Try This at Home



Three girls.
Three popsicles.
In my bed,
after bath,
right before bedtime.

I am brave.


Sweet Harper said...

Making memories...maybe messy ones, but your girls will remember those moments! {sigh and smiles} It goes by so fast!

mel @ the larson lingo said...

oh wow, you ARE brave!
Kevin would kill me if I let the girls do that!

Jules said...


Tanya @ Life in 3D said...

brave doesn't quite begin to cover it!! You're awesome though for embracing the moment and allowing something outside of the box...and getting the pic! Love it!

Kat said...

If that were me, I would find the popsicle sticks inside my pillowcase when I went to bed. You ARE one brave woman! :)

Ms Mae said...

LOL Love it :) I agree. I don't recall if hour house was messy, if my mom didn't spend enough time with is these type of memories that count and make your kids recall their childhood fondly!

forever folding laundry said...

Aack! Orange popsicle stickiness in bed!! :)
I can't really talk, though. I let Avery eat blueberries in my bed today and she sat on one and squished it into the sheets. Ugh.


Tegan | Celebrate Twelve13 said...

Julie's comment is cracking me up. My teeth are sensitive to cold though, so I have the chills just looking at that picture. That will be such a fun memory for your girls though as they grow. :)

Heather @ Glitter and Gloss said...

very braev....or very crazy :)


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