Most mom's might like a new outfit or purse for Mother's Day.
Or maybe some shiny new jewelry.
Not me.
What did I ask for this Mother's Day?
That's right.
I am a simple kind of girl.
I don't care about THINGS that much.
At least not for myself.
I could care less if I have something cute or new.
I would rather use that money and buy something for the family or the girls.
So this year I wanted homegrown veggies all summer long.
What is better than that?
Here are some fun pictures from the day before Mother's Day 2009.

Taking the dirt to the wheelbarrow with such grace.

What's that I hear.... the ICE CREAM MAN!!!!

The girls' first purchase from the ice cream man in our new neighborhood!


I asked Sophie to hold it up for a picture and she literally held it UP.

Having a chat garden side.
The girls helping Daddy plant away.
Before picture

After picture.
I love my garden!
Thank you so much Steve, Mia, Sophie and Gracie
Thank you so much Steve, Mia, Sophie and Gracie
Here are a few pics of what my Mother's Day morning looked like.

Mia hit for awhile.
Sophie shagged.
I love action shots!
Mia was so in to playing Frisbee with Dad.
She thought she was a professional "thrower."
After our morning fun we headed to my Grandma V's for a fun filled afternoon with family.
It was a great Mother's Day.
Filled with family.
My girls
(Of course! How could I not be with my girls on Mother's Day!)
Just the way I like things.
The night ended early (amazing for us!) yet the girls still passed out in the car.
They were so exhausted from such a fun day!
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