Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy Birthday To My Favorite Twin Sisters

Happy Birthday to Adie & Haley!!!
(sorry it's a day late!)
You are the best twin sisters a girl could ever ask for.
I thank God that he gave me two amazing best friends that I could
always look up to, even though you were almost three years younger than me.
When I was little,
I always wanted to be just like you.
I always wanted to show you off to everyone.
I thought, look at my cute, kind, TWIN sisters.
I am the luckiest girl in town.
I was always SO proud of you.
And proud to be your big sis.

Without you two I would have no idea what NOT to wear.
Or what songs I should NOT sing out loud.
Thank you for always making both so clear.

Thank you for always making me strive to be a better person.

You have both accomplished so much and should be so proud of yourselves.
(Boy's Club Moms Rule!!!)

Here's to many many more fun years of making memories.
Happy 28th Birthday!!!


Anonymous said...

How Adorable!
I have a twin sister, then there are two singels and another set of twin girls. Mom was a busy woman! I often wonder what the singles think of us? Hope it's something as near and dear as to how you think/feel of your sisters!

Two Little Tots said...

so much fun...i have twin girls!

LauraC said...

This almost makes me want a singleton sister for my twin boys. ALMOST.

How did you take a photo in the future (2088) and post it on your blog? I've been around the blogblock a bit but haven't figured that one out.

(I am done amusing myself, very nice tribute to sisters!)

Janna said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful twin sisters! What a sweet post!

forever folding laundry said...

You & your three sisters are just *the* cutest! Happy birthday to your sisters!


Anonymous said...

this is really such a sweet post. happy birthday to your sisters!!


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