Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fun & Funky Beaded Necklace Tutorial

I made a few of these after seeing a super easy tutorial on another fun blog!
I LOVE how they turned out.
(With me you NEVER know....)

By request of ERIN, I decided to share this cute idea with my friends and family.
This is my crazy version of a "tutorial" on how to whip up a fun and funky beaded necklace.
(Perfect for a Christmas gift!)

Pick your spray paint.
I used Ivy Leaf for my green one and Blue Ocean Breeze for the fun turquoise one I made
Julie, for her birthday!

(It was SO cute on her I might add)

First, buy a Styrofoam rectangle or sphere.
I went with the rectangle so I could line them up and spray across nice and evenly.
Then buy some plain unfinished wood beads.
I bought a jumbo pack of the 20 mm for the majority of the necklace,
then another pack of the 25 mm.

I added only three of the bigger size for extra RANDOMNESS!

Set up toothpicks along the Styrofoam and add some tin foil to the tips as shown in picture.
The holes in the beads are too wide and if you don't add the foil, they will slide all the way down.

Once you have all the toothpicks in place, add all the beads for your entire necklace like shown in the photo above.
Spray evenly and coat the tops and sides.
Wait about 5 minutes.
Flip ALL of the beads.
Spray again, evenly coating all the beads.
Repeat SEVERAL times to get a more solid color look.
(FYI, I used way more coats than I thought I would.)
Very time consuming, but so worth it.

Look at this cuteness!

After the beads were dry, I just strung them, in the order I wanted them, onto some 1/4" black grosgrain. To make this a bit easier, I just taped the ends into a skinny spiral so the beads would slide on.

How fun is this?!
And super easy.
If I can do it, you can too!

And if you want it to be EXTRA special,
feel free to add this cool kids club twitter pin.
(Erin gave us all these in our goody bags last weekend in California! So fun!)


A shot of the necklace in action in California as we worked on Project 320.



Erin Burns said...

Oh no you didn't!
Cool Kids Twitter Club.
I love you Marta.

Can't wait to make these!
Thanks for the tut.
Or is it tute?
Toot? Whatever.

(no one reads your stupid tweets anyway)

Gussy Sews said...

Gussy needs a necklace like that!!!!

Jules said...

only cool kids spray paint!
25 hours a day.
75 days a week.

Heather @ Glitter and Gloss said...

LOVE these!! They looked so cute on your girls - total cool kids!! I totally have Blue Ocean Breeze in my garage - such my go-to color!! HOLLA! 2575.....

Hissyfits & Halos said...

Cute idea! My daughter is having a few friends over tomorrow for a Spagetti-Christmas. This would be a perfect idea to keep them busy! I see a trip to Michael's in my future.

Merry Christmas!

mel @ the larson lingo said...

Yay for the tutorial!
SUPER cute on you guys!
I love the photogaphs you took of the steps.
Don't think I could pull off this necklace like the rest of the cool kids club.

LauraC said...

Hey lady, I put up pics of my boys in your fantabulous Christmas shirts. They are wearing them to sing in the school holiday program today:

Thanks again! LOVE THEM!

Amy H. said...

Love the tutorial! Found U through Project 320, thank you for all you have done to make it s success! I *hearted* being a part of it and can not wait to see how it continues on.

First comment and not the last, see you then!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous (and inexpensive) idea! LOVE IT!


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