Thursday, August 2, 2012

42 miles in August


Hey all!
Long time no type.

Too many trips like this….

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and this left little time for blogging.
Or  running, for that matter. 

Three trips in three weekends people.
Approximately 35 hours of butt sitting in our suburban.
A suburban that is screaming, “no more driving!” due to the busted air conditioner

Good things it’s only 103 everyday, on average. 
Who needs air conditioning?

I do,  that’s who.
How did I ever survive growing up without it?

But guess what?
It’s now August and things have slowed down a (tad) bit.

So guess what time it is?
Time to run.
Get focused.
Get moving.

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Please join us for 42 miles in August.
Just post your runs on Facebook (on the Haus of Girls page) or on Instagram (my fave) and use the hashtag #42milesinaugust so we can connect, cheer each other on and motivate on another.

Are you in?


Four Fit Sisters said...

I'm in. Getting ready to run on the beach now

Lynsey said...

New follower! I'm in! Just what I need to get me motivated to lose this baby weight.

Megan @ said...

I'm in - training for the Ragnar. Hopefully we can motivate together. :)

Mela said...

Love this. I'm in.

Mela said...

I'm in. Thanks for the inspiration.

Sarah @ Will Run for Pasta said...

What a fun idea, I'm totally in! Between C25K training and walking the dog this should be totally doable. Found your blog via Shelley from House of Smiths' FB post :)

Stephanie Garrido said...

I've been sitting on my butt and have no idea how i stumbled upon this blog but i am now getting up and headed for a run! what a great idea to motivate each other!


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