Happy Birthday to the best dad ever.
A man who has accomplished so much in his life.
Someone I have always looked up to
and strived to make proud.
As he has always made me proud to be his daughter.
I wrote in a book that I gave him one Father's Day that the most important thing he ever taught me was that nothing is more important than family.
I wrote how thankful I was that he put his four girls first.
Before any job, career, or hobbies.
He sacrificed so much for his family and I am who I am today because of it.
I wrote how I remember him being at every single event
that I ever did for school, sports or church.
Whether it was my 4th grade Christmas program, an elementary track meet,
my high school softball game, my Confirmation or any kind of award ceremony along the way.
I always knew that I could look up in the stands or in the audience
and see my dad there.
For me.
Not very many kids can say that.
But I can.
So thank you dad for being there for Me, Adie, Haley & Maggie
throughout our lives!
Here are some fun pictures I wanted to share of my dad....

My dad in his high school uniform with his dad.
One of my favorite pictures.
In the big leagues- posing in his Montreal Expos Uniform.

When he was in the army.

My dad holding me on Easter 1980

My dad and Daisy, our black lab, taking a turn at
"SLEDDING" down our hill in our backyard
at the house we grew up in.
Everything was a layer of ice, so my dad had the great idea of
flipping over our picnic table and SLEDDING!
What a fun dad!!

This was at our old house as well.
This was my mom's cousin band. He's the guitar player on the right.
A celebration for my great-grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary!

I love my family!
Happy Birthday Dad!!
What a sweet post!! :)
Happy Birthday to Marta's dad!
Happy Birthday to your daddy! He sounds like a wonderful man!
What a sweet post!! Happy birthday to your dad!
Aw, how sweet! Happy Birthday to your dad!
Marta, I'm passing an award your way today. ;)
I love this post - it's so sweet!
I found you through Project 320 and have enjoyed browsing through your blog. Have fun in CA!! :)
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