Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Can You Say GOLD MEDAL?!

My sister Maggie sure can!

She recently got back from Venezuela with her very own GOLD MEDAL!

The USA Softball Elite team won the Pan American Qualifier with 3-1 win over Canada!

Congrats Maggie!

A few action shots in Venezuela.

The crowds LOVED team USA!

Maggie with some her fans.

Notice something around her neck?!

Another one of her many fans!

Two of her BIGGEST fans, Mia & Sophie

Another pose.

Sophie looks like she's growling at the Gold medal....?!

After Maggie showed us her AWESOME GOLD MEDAL, she decided to demonstrate some of her other talents on our new trampoline.

Not only is she an Gold Medalist, but she can JUMP!

And on a side note, I like to think that growing up with a trampoline in our backyard, and jumping on it EVERY SINGLE DAY had many lifelong benefits for me and my sisters.....

Softball Scholarships, Playing Professional Softball & Gold Medals to name a few.

I am just saying.
Now, my girls are learning some new tricks so we will see what it gets them in life!

I see athletics in their future already :)

Have a happy Thursday!


Jaime said...

How Awesome!!!! Congrats to your sister! And, definitely, trampolines ROCK! :)

Jamie Lynn said...

Hi! Congrats to your SIS! Your family is adorable! I found your blog from My Trendy Tikes- come say Hi!
Jamie Harris

jonahbonah said...

YAY Maggie!!!! Woot-woot....GO USA!!!!!!

NicNacManiac said...

Congrats to your sister!! What a fabulous role model for your girls!!!

Anonymous said...

That is great news!!!!! Congrats to your sister!! I know you must be so incredibly proud :-)

SoSoBella said...

thats so cool. what a proud sister you are. and yours girls, so lucky to have such a cool aunt :O) can my girls have her too :O)

Ashley said...

That is so awesome!!! Congrats to your sister!!! She must be your little girl's hero....(along with you of course!)

KellyMellyBoBellyBananaFanna said...

Marta, your blog is adorable! Congrats to your sister! (By the way, your running thingy on here is so neat.)



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