Live is moving at the speed of light.
My head is spinning with the constant motion, to-do list creating and activity scheduling.
I love that life is full.
I also love that this blog has become a place to reflect and remember and to store every little memory.
Lately I can’t keep up with my daily blogs, as I can barely schedule in a shower, so I am happy to give you a random run down every once in awhile, on what’s been happening at Haus of Girls.
This week I can’t refrain from shedding a few tears about how quickly time does move on….
This girl will be three in a few weeks. What?
This girl will be seven. How?
She is growing like a weed before my eyes and here she is posing with her dance bestie, Ella, in their funky costumes.
The girls club.
This little cutie is now five and also into wearing my large sunglasses.
Steve can barely hold the both of them at the same time for our weekly rodeo sessions.
I pass by this each day and remember the fun we had last April, traveling around watching my sister Maggie play softball for the University of Michigan. I want a time machine.
Mia had her first solo singing performance in the first grade play.
She was Feta and I think I will forever remember her one line rhyme: ”Off the boat from Greece with my cousin Scarletta, I’d like to introduce you to a little bit of Feta.”
Post play = frozen custard.
True love forever.
My sweet Grandma Viefhaus turned 86 this past weekend.
Guess who started her second softball season as a Pink Panther?
And guess who loves to cheer at the fence for their favorite number 6?
Go Mia!
And as time moves along giving us happy times and moments to cherish, it also unbearably takes things we love away from us.
Tonight, my mom and dad have to take our dog Woogie to the veterinarian to join our past pets in Doggie Heaven.
Today we stopped by my parent’s house on our way home from dropping off Sophie at preschool to say goodbye. She was so happy to just snuggle with us and be petted. Gracie kept trying to give Woogie her milk to make her feel better. Her sweetness just made me cry more.
You were the best dog anyone could ever ask for Woogie. Thank you for being the best companion to my mom and dad for all these years. I hope you have fun seeing your sister Daisy again in Heaven. I bet her tail is already wagging knowing you are on your way to see her. We will miss you so much.
Don't be too hard on yourself RE: lack of posts; pictures say 1,000 words anyways. You're doing and being right where you belong!
Sorry to hear about the pooch ... I grew up with a mutt who lived to be 17. Woogie's eyes reminded me of my beloved Dolby's, who died when I was just out of college. Never forget.
:( So sorry about Woogie, friend! Losing a pet is seriously the worst.
Enjoy these moments with your sweet family - I know how crazy fast time moves!
Oh Marta, this one made me bawl!!! Especially the end of the post about sweet Woogie. It never gets any easier saying goodbye. My heart goes out to you and your family.
Are you saying you're quitting your blog? Surely I'm wrong. Tell me I'm wrong!
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